Player Expectations
Player Expectations
Being part of the Jordan Girls Fastpitch Association is an honor, not a right. Our expectations of you as a JGFA player are as follows:
- Commit to softball for the full season; The commitment is to be at all practices and games throughout the season.
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship.
- Respect the game, coaches, the opponents, the umpires, parents, and spectators.
- Respect your teammates, on and off the field.
- Always show up on time for practices, games and team events. Contact your coach if you are unable to attend or if you are going to be late.
- Work hard, for yourself and for your team, by giving your best effort in practices and games.
- Be coachable. Listen, ask questions, and be willing to try new techniques.
- Accept your role on the team. If you don’t like where you’re playing, work harder to change it.
- Never fault a teammate when a mistake occurs; be encouraging.
- Use positive language (body and verbal), to cheer on and support your teammates.
- Never argue with an umpire’s decision, this includes verbally or with negative body language.
- Follow the direction of the coaching staff and support each coach’s decision.
- Settle disagreements with coaches and other players in a confidential and private manner, 24 hours after games and practices.
- Discussions must take place away from other players and parents.
- Players will not create social media accounts or post content that could be seen as negative toward your team, teammates, coaches, umpires or the JGFA.
- Lead with integrity by being a good example for your teammates and for younger players.
Travel teams function best with full commitment from the players. To create a competitive environment we do strive for 100% attendance policies. Players who have unexcused absences may have limited playing time.
An unexcused absence is defined as the following:
- Did not inform coaching staff more than 30 minutes in advance of a practice or more than two hour in advance of a game.
- The parent or guardian of the player must notify coaching staff directly, utilizing another parent as a form of communication is not acceptable.
- Late to games
Unexcused absences from practice and games may result in the following:
Missing Practice Unexcused
- One unexcused absence = sit out first 2 innings of next game
- Two unexcused absences = sit out first 4 innings of next game
- Three+ unexcused absences = sit out entire next game but must attend the game
Missing Game Unexcused
- One unexcused absence = sit out first 4 innings of next game
- Two unexcused absences = sit out entire next game but must attend the game
To ensure that all players meet this requirement, team coaches track player attendance records.
The unexcused absence consequences listed above are only a suggested outline for coaches and may be utilized at their discretion on a situational basis.
The JGFA supplies all teams with shared equipment such as bats, batting helmets, balls, and all other team equipment. First year players in the JGFA will be given their first fielding mask free.
Many of the players bring their own bats and batting helmets, but this is not required. It is suggested that the girls have their own helmet so they can be sure to have one that fits properly. The association supplies several to each team but there is no guarantee they will fit each player perfectly.
Jerseys are to be purchased through the JGFA and these will be the players to keep. There will not be a new jersey design for 2025. Only new players will need to purchase jerseys.
All players are required to purchase their own black softball pants, gold socks and maroon socks. These can be found at most sporting goods stores.
Questions regarding bat certification or looking to purchase a bat? See links below.